The Land Management Bureau through the Center for Land Administration and Management-Philippines spurred the Workshop on Managing Communication in the Workplace last April 14-15, 2016 at the Lohas New Well Being Hotel and Resort, Clark, Angeles City Pampanga.

Acting Director Emelyne V. Talabis on her opening remarks said that communication is vital in human activity. Without communication, human beings will be living in darkness, unable to express themselves, and convey their message. Same is true in organizations and government agencies like LMB. Hence, communication is vital in the operations of the bureau, which our thoughts and inner intentions are relayed to our recipients.

Ms. Josefina Quintana, former Director of the Civil Service Commission, was the learning service provider for the workshop. She had an activity to determine the common strengths, areas to improve, challenges and barriers that we, as LMB employees, encounter at the office. She observed that internal communication between senior staff and the workforce must be improved. She mentioned some of the way forward for improving both internal and external communication system. Also, different vocabulary and grammar exercises were given to enhance one’s ability in writing and to put a hiatus in the “government-type-of-writing”.

Director Quintana stressed that when writing a report one must ensure that the said report informs explains and persuades for same to be accepted as good report. The use of highfaluting words is discouraged, the simpler, the better.

To deepen the discourse, the subject verb agreement was thoroughly discussed to avoid common mistakes committed when writing. Outlining was also tackled to easily produce ideas and thoughts before writing.

All in all, the workshop was extremely successful. Participants were highly motivated throughout the workshop and reported positive feedback. Everyone was filled with knowledge and new ideas they know they can apply at work.

In his closing remarks, OIC Assistant Director, Engr. Henry P. Pacis, hoped that the learners’ awareness on technical writing and communication were heightened. Finally, he encouraged them to create also the awareness with the colleagues and to those in higher positions, and that would be possible through communication.
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