Bangkok, Thailand – Representing the Philippines, the Land Management Bureau (LMB) successfully imparted its initiatives and best practices of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) in pursuing land administration and management (LAM) reforms during the Regional Multi-Stakeholders Consultation on Land Governance in the Asia Pacific Region held in Bangkok, Thailand on December 14-16, 2015.

This forum, hosted by United Nations- Food and Agriculture (UN-FAO) and being participated by other countries including Afghanistan, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Laos PDR, Myanmar, Mongolia, Pakistan, Thailand, Timor-Leste and Vietnam, aims at promoting an exchange of knowledge on land governance, highlighting new challenges and opportunities to foster improved land governance in the Asia-Pacific Region.

LMB: Stepping up for improved Land Governance

Atty. Emelyne V. Talabis, LMB Acting Director and Ms. Maria Gina F. Pascua, OIC, Chief of the Land Policy and Planning Division (LPPD) were the representatives of the Philippines together with the representative of the Asian NGO Coalition (ANGOC), Fr. Francis Lucas, eagerly discussed the Philippine experience entitled, “Philippines: Using the Voluntary Guidelines on Governance of Tenure to Improve Land Governance” presenting the initiatives and best practices of the DENR in pursuit of LAM reforms through Land Administration and Management Project (LAMP) that showcases responsible governance of tenure lands. Atty. Talabis emphasized that the learnings under the project are now mainstreamed in the DENR with the LMB as the lead.

Also, Atty. Talabis and Ms. Pascua actively participated in the discussions on the three thematic areas, namely: land Governance in Asia and Pacific- Challenges and Opportunities; Securing customary tenure systems; and Fostering responsible agricultural land-based investment.

With this, new ideas and comparative updates gained will help the DENR in further strengthening its reform agenda.


Participant from Afghanistan, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar, Mongolia, Pakistan, Philippines, Thailand, Timor-Leste and Vietnam.

Dir. Talabis during her presentation, entitled, “Philippines: Using the VGGT to Improve Land Governance” and Ms. Pascua during the group’s presentation on Land Governance: Challenges and Opportunities.


From left to right: Ms. Mariana Bichierri (Land Tenure Officer of FAO Bangkok), Ms. Gina Pascua (OIC-LPPD of LMB Philippines), Ms. Marita Cisneros (participant from Laos PDR), Mr. Matthew Leete (FAO Bangkok), Atty. Emelyne V. Talabis (Acting Director of LMB-Philippines), and Father Francis Lucas (ANGOC-Philippines).