Land Management Bureau shares insights in series of seminars on “Procedures in School Site Acquisition and Documentation (Registration and Titling)”

The Land Management Bureau (LMB), through the Land Management Division (LMD), participated in a series of seminars entitled “Procedures in School Site Acquisition and Documentation (Registration and Titling)” on April 23 to 26, 2024, at Crown Regency Residences, Davao City. The purpose of the seminar, which was hosted by the Sites Titling Office (STO) of the Department of Education (DepEd), is to provide insights into various procedures related to school site titling, updates on laws and jurisprudence, and processes for Special Patent and Presidential Proclamation, donation, and usufruct agreements.

In the first cluster of the series of seminars, Mr. Alex Pascua, OIC-Chief of the LMD, discussed DENR Administrative Order (DAO) 2015-01, “Guidelines for the Processing and Issuance of Special Patents for Public School Sites under Republic Act (RA) 10023”. The guidelines covered alienable and disposable public agricultural lands actually possessed, occupied, and used for public schools of all levels and classifications under the supervision and control of the DepEd.

Mr. Pascua enumerated the requirements needed for the DepEd and DENR for the issuance of a school site Special Patent. He further explained the step-by-step procedures from the filing of request at Community Environment and Natural Resources (CENRO)/Implementing Provincial Environment and Natural Resources (PENRO) to the release of title to the school/requesting party at the Registry of Deeds.

The said seminar was participated by the officials of DepEd, representatives from the Land Registration Authority (LRA), Forest Management Bureau (FMB), Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR), National Commission on Indigenous People (NCIP), Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR), and Office of the Solicitor General (OSG) who also give lectures about the said topic.

The said workshop was participated by the different Chief of Surveys and Mapping Division (SMD) of the DENR including their GIS expert who was assigned in the preparation of their regional base map.