LMB’s land records computerization project gears up

With the completion of the inventory, sorting and grooming (ISG) of land records in all DENR Regional Offices the conversion of survey plans, public land applications and cadastral maps into digital format using the LAMS Philippines program can’t be far away.

The Land Management Bureau (LMB), at the helm in the implementation of the Land Administration and Management System (LAMS) is resolute in the execution of the nationwide massive data capture – the next critical step in the computerization of land records, after ISG.

LMB Acting Director Emelyne V. Talabis said, “There’s no stopping us from pursuing this activity especially that the DENR administered National Cadastral Survey Program is now completed.”

“This is another turning point in our bid to provide a better service to the public in facilitating computerized land information for all land-related transactions,” Atty. Talabis said.

The Land Administration and Management System is an information system designed to provide effective management of land records and efficient delivery of land transactions and information services to the public through inter-agencies that are dispensing land-related transactions.

Data capture activities on the other hand involve scanning and encoding of survey returns (survey plan, cadastral map, lot data computation, etc.) and its validation.

In the implementation of land data capture nationwide, the LMB have set up measures to implement the project efficiently and effectively such as the stringent formulation of Terms of Reference (TOR) for procurement of consulting services of all DENR land records to uphold all transparency in all the stages of public bidding process through active participation of all stakeholders; the formulation of policies on digital data sharing and security, and on cost and fees under LAMS transactions. Likewise, the LMB have improved the Project Operations Manual crafted land experts from the DENR and LMB.

To prepare the Regional Offices in the conduct of data capture the LAMS National Coordinating Desk has conducted learning event on the validation and quality assurance for the LAMS data capture activities.

The participants, composed LAMS Coordinators, LAMS System Administrators and Records Officers were immersed in the various processes in the data capture of land records at the DENR National Capital Region. “This is to let them better understand the operations involved in the data capture and let them experience how the system works.” Engr. Warlito G. Quirimit, LAMS-NCD Head, said.

The DENR-NCR is the pioneer region to implement the Data Capture Project. (lmm)