Women With Disability Empower LMB Employees

Gender and Development (GAD) Focal Point System (FPS) Chairperson, Ms. Maria Gina F. Pascua in her opening remarks during the one-day forum on Empowering Women with Disabilities

Five promising individuals took a chance to share their empowering stories with LMB employees in a forum initiated by Gender and Development (GAD) Focal Point System (FPS) and Senior Citizen and Persons with Disability (SC and PWD) Desk on March 27, 2023, in Quezon City.

Among the resource speakers for this forum were three persons with disability, a cancer survivor, and a disability consultant. Their advocacy for welfare, rights, and empowerment of people with disability has been their lives’ mission and purpose, aside from rising to the challenges of their lives.

Accessible Tourism Specialist and Operations Manager of Lolo Inggo Private Resort, Ms. Veneranda D.R. Mateo

As an Accessible Tourism Specialist and Operations Manager of Lolo Inggo Private Resort Ms. Veneranda D.R. Mateo gives voice to her fellow PWDs in raising their concerns regarding the accessibility of public facilities. She is an orthopedically impaired individual who portrays empowerment in knowing her rights and taking chances whenever an opportunity is presented. With great pride and joy, Ms. Mateo shared her achievements as an advocate. Climbing on Mount Talamitan, 630 meters above sea level, she proved that pure determination could reach any point. She was also the founding President of the Valenzuela PWD Federation Inc. and managed a private resort designed to provide convenience to PWDs.

Ms. Emelita Cruz, Federation President of PWD Serene

On the other hand, Ms. Emelita Cruz, Federation President of PWD Serene, is a cancer survivor who dedicates her life to the advocacy of PWDs. Her portrayal of empowerment takes the form of courage in times of dread, excruciating pain, and worry. Surviving cancer strengthened her drive to support PWDs and their welfare, to the point of running for office to represent the PWDs. She also started the PWD Serene in their municipality with the mission to ensure their participation in society and achieve their full potential.

Ms. Carla T. Dela Cruz, primary school Special Education (SPED) Teacher III

Ms. Carla T. Dela Cruz is a primary school Special Education (SPED) Teacher III. She has been an orthopedically impaired individual since birth, with Spina Bifida, a condition that affects the spine. She shared her life struggles, her determination, her drive to succeed, and her success stories. For Ms. Carla, empowerment does not stop when comfort is achieved, genuine empowerment is realized by empowering people around you. Her role and experience as a SPED teacher are as unique as her pupils. She prioritizes their individual needs and does the best of her capacity so that they can reach their true potential. She is also an active participant in society by participating during elections and taking the role of a coach in sports competitions such as running, long jump, and such.

Project Manager of “Going Beyond Reading” in Resources for the Blind Inc. Ms. Joyce C. Lopez

The last resource speaker is the Project Manager of “Going Beyond Reading” in Resources for the Blind Inc. Ms. Joyce C. Lopez is an advocate for the blind who believes that, “Your only limit is you,” and if given the opportunity, the possibilities will unfold. She embodies empowerment best when she provides for the blind, especially for the kids.  She added, “Feel na feel mo ang need nila,” when she shared about being a Camp Director in a camp she attended when she was younger. She has also voiced that looking past one’s disability is essential for equality and that people should instead focus on their God-given gift instead.

Mr. Rizalio Sanchez, former Chief of the Information Education and Communication (IEC) Division
in the National Council for Disability Affairs (NCDA) and a current Disability Consultant during his talk

Mr. Rizalio R. Sanchez, a former Chief of the Information Education and Communication Division in the National Council for Disability Affairs. “Marami tayong disabilities,” adding that some are apparent and some non-apparent. He started the forum proper by introducing the crowd to brilliant individuals with disabilities. He also shared about the facilities that support people with disabilities, for those with apparent and non-apparent disabilities, and that it is important to maximize them. He also emphasized that disability is not automatic eligibility for employment. Applications must be accepted then he or she will undergo the process of employment. Mr. Sanchez mentioned that discrimination in employment is backed by the law of the land and informed the attendees of the proper ways to address specific disabilities without discrimination.

Mr. Rizalio Sanchez, former Chief of the Information Education and Communication Division
in the National Council for Disability Affairs and a current Disability Consultant during his talk
Mr. Rizalio Sanchez, former Chief of the IEC Division in the NCDA and a current Disability
Consultant with Ms. Loribelle P. Lluz, the Focal Person of the Senior Citizen and Persons With Disability (SC and PWD) Desk during the awarding of a certificate and a token of appreciation

After the resource speakers, the attendees shared their takeaways from the forum. They expressed heartfelt realizations, wonder, and enlightenment toward the resource speakers, their drive, determination, and their example. It was then concluded by Ms. Loribelle P. Lluz, the Focal Person of the SC and PWD Desk, that the LMB will continue empowering all women with intended inclusivity.

Mr. Rizalio Sanchez, former Chief of the IEC Division in the NCDA and a current Disability Consultant, Accessible Tourism Specialist and Operations Manager of Lolo Inggo Private Resort, Ms. Veneranda D.R. Mateo, Ms. Loribelle P. Lluz of SC and PWD Desk during the awarding of the certificate and a token of appreciation

Mr. Rizalio Sanchez, former Chief of the IEC Division in the NCDA and a current Disability Consultant, Ms. Emelita Cruz, Federation President of PWD Serene, and Ms. Loribelle P. Lluz of SC and PWD Desk during the awarding of the certificate and a token of appreciation

Mr. Rizalio Sanchez, former Chief of the IEC Division in the NCDA and a current Disability Consultant, Ms. Carla T. Dela Cruz, primary school Special Education (SPED) Teacher III, and Ms. Loribelle P. Lluz of SC and PWD Desk during the awarding of the certificate and a token of appreciation

Mr. Rizalio Sanchez, former Chief of the IEC Division in the NCDA and a current Disability Consultant, Project Manager of “Going Beyond Reading” in Resources for the Blind Inc., Ms. Joyce C. Lopez, and Ms. Loribelle P. Lluz of SC and PWD Desk during the awarding of a certificate and a token of appreciation

Ms. Loribelle P. Lluz, the Focal Person of the Senior Ciitizen and Persons With Disability (SC and PWD) Desk in her closing remarks

(from left to right) Ms. Crizzel Timoteo of GADFPS, Mr. Rizalio Sanchez, former Chief of the IEC Division in the NCDA, and a current Disability Consultant, Ms. Emelita Cruz, Federation President of PWD Serene, Ms. Carla T. Dela Cruz, primary school Special Education (SPED) Teacher III, Ms. Joyce C. Lopez, the Project Manager of “Going Beyond Reading” in Resources for the Blind Inc., Ms. Veneranda D.R. Mateo, the Accessible Tourism Specialist and Operations Manager of Lolo Inggo Private Resort, and Ms. Loribelle P. Lluz of SC and PWD Desk

In celebration of Women with Disabilities Day, leaving no one behind was emphasized as an essential practice for the achievement of gender equality, inclusivity, and a resilient society. “Indeed, disability is not an obstacle [to] success. Disability is not inability. Disability is there for only limbs and senses, but not for the spirit,” Ms. Maria Gina F. Pascua, the GAD FPS Chairperson, in her message.

The attendees of the Forum on Empowering Women with Disabilities (WWD) with the GAD FPS, Ms. Maria Gina F. Pascua, Mr. Rizalio Sanchez, former Chief of the IEC Division in the NCDA and a current Disability Consultant, Representatives from Strategic Communications and Initiative Services, Ms. Ernestina Jose & Ms. Liberty C. Clamosa; SC and PWD Desk Focal Persons: Ms. Loribelle P. Lluz and Ms. Tessie Soriano in Brentwood Suites, Quezon City

The attendees of the Forum on Empowering Women with Disabilities (WWD) with Ms. Loribelle P. Lluz of SC and PWD Desk, Mr. Rizalio Sanchez, former Chief of the IEC Division in the NCDA, and a current Disability Consultant, Ms. Emelita Cruz, Federation President of PWD Serene, Ms. Carla T. Dela Cruz, primary school Special Education (SPED) Teacher III, Ms. Joyce C. Lopez, the Project Manager of “Going Beyond Reading” in Resources for the Blind Inc., Ms. Veneranda D.R. Mateo, the Accessible Tourism Specialist and Operations Manager of Lolo Inggo Private Resort, and the forum’s facilitators

This joint activity was arranged by its Gender and Development (GAD) Focal Point System (FPS) and Senior Citizen and Persons with Disability (SC and PWD) Desk, brings about this forum to empower women with disabilities (WWD) as a part of the continued celebration of 2023 Women’s month. In honor of Proclamation No. 744 by the then-President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, it is observed that every last Monday of March is celebrated as “Women with Disabilities Day.”